Create project in app

Typst template to generate a practical work report for students of the MIAGE (Méthodes Informatiques Appliquées à la Gestion des Entreprises).

  • Directly from Typst web app by clicking “Start from template” on the dashboard and searching for miage-rapide-tp.

  • With CLI:

typst init @preview/miage-rapide-tp:{version}
  • Cover page
  • Table of contents (optionnal)
  • question = automatically generates a question number (optionnal) with the content of the question
  • code-block = code block with syntax highlighting. You can pass a filepath or code directly to display in the block
  • remarque = a remark block with content and color

Cover page

The conf looks like this:

#let conf(
  subtitle: none,
  authors: (),
  years: (2024, 2025),
  toc: true,
  lang: "fr",
  font: "Satoshi",
  date: none,


A question can be added like this:

#question("Une question avec numéro ?")
#question("Une question sans numéro ?", counter: false)

The first argument is the question content, and the second (OPTIONAL) is the counter. If counter is set to false, the question will not be numbered.


To use a code-block, you can do as follows :

#code-block(read("code/main.py"), "py")
#code-block(read("code/example.sql"), "sql", title: "Classic SQL")

The first argument is the code to display, the second is the language of the code, and the third is the title of the code block.


To use a remarque, you can do as follows :

#remarque("Ceci est une remarque")
#remarque("Remarque personnalisée", bg-color: olive, text-color: white)

You can change the bg-color and text-color of the remark block to match your needs.

This is MIT licensed.

Rapide means fast in French. tp is the abbreviation of “travaux pratiques” which means practical work. MIAGE is a French degree in computer science applied to management.