
This is a package for writing pseudocode in Typst. It is named after the computer science pioneer Ada Lovelace and inspired by the pseudo package for LaTeX.

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Main features include:

  • arbitrary keywords and syntax structures
  • multiple interfaces for typesetting pseudocode
  • optional line numbering (configurable per line)
  • line labels
  • customisable indentation guides
  • custom figure kind


Import the package using

#import "@preview/lovelace:0.2.0": *

You should then call the setup function in a show rule at the top of your document:

#show: setup-lovelace

You are then ready to go to typeset some pseudocode:

  [*input:* integers $a$ and $b$],
  [*output:* greatest common divisor of $a$ and $b$],
  [*while* $a != b$ *do*], ind,
    [*if* $a > b$ *then*], ind,
      $a <- a - b$, ded,
    [*else*], ind,
      $b <- b - a$, ded,
    [*end*], ded,
  [*return* $a$]

resulting in:


As you can see, every line of your pseudocode is represented by a single content argument. (If you don’t like this syntax, consider one of the alternatives.) Additionally, we use ind and ded to control the indentation level: ind (indent) to go one level deeper, ded (dedent) to go one level back. Don’t forget to put all the commas in between! The content of your pseudocode is up to you. This package does not assume any specific set of keywords or language constructs. For example, you might want to write something like

  $x <- a$,
  [*repeat until convergence*], ind,
    $x <- (x + a/x) / 2$, ded,
  [*return* $x$]


for some more abstract, less implementation concerned pseudocode that follows your own convention, most suitable to you.

There are two other elements you can use as positional arguments to #pseudocode: no-number makes the next line have no line number (and also not being counted). This is useful for things like input and output (as seen above) or to introduce an empty line (i.e, you add no-number, [] to the arguments).

Referencing lines

Finally, you can put labels there. They will be attached to the line number of the following line and can be used to reference that line later:

  [*goto* @line:eat]

@line:sleep is of particular importance.


Alternative input methods

The main challenge for representing pseudocode in Typst is how to express indentations. As seen above, the standard way in Lovelace is to use ind and ded. However, there are two occasions where Typst already respects indentation:

  • enumerations/lists
  • raw text

Besides #pseudocode, there are therefore two other options to specify pseudocode with Lovelace.

Pseudocode as an enumeration/list

Using the function pseudocode-list, you can type your code using Typst’s enumerations and bullet point lists:

  - *input:* integers $a$ and $b$
  - *output:* greatest common divisor of $a$ and $b$
  + *while* $a != b$ *do*
    + *if* $a > b$ *then*
      + $a <- a - b$
    + *else*
      + $b <- b - a$
    + *end*
  + *end*
  + *return* $a$


As you can see, each enumeration item (starting with a +) becomes a numbered line and each list item (starting with a -) becomes a line without a number. We also don’t need to use ind and ded as Typst detects the indentation level of the list/enumeration.

If you want to attach a label to a line, you can use the function #line-label:

  - *input:* number $n in NN$
  - *output:* zero
  + *while* $n > 0$
    + $n <- n - 1$ #line-label(<line:decr>)
  + *end*
  + *return* $n$

In @line:decr, we decrease $n$.

list label

Pseudocode as raw text

You can also use raw text syntax in Typst to input pseudocode by using the function pseudocode-raw:

#let redbold = text.with(fill: red, weight: "bold")

  scope: (redbold: redbold),
  *input:* integers $a$ and $b$
  *output:* greatest common divisor of $a$ and $b$
  *if* $a == b$ *goto* @line:loop-end
  *if* $a > b$ *then*
    #redbold[$a <- a - b$] #comment[and a comment]
    #redbold[$b <- b - a$] #comment[and another comment]
  *goto* @line:loop-start
  *return* $a$


It works similar to pseudocode, you just don’t have to put content brackets in every line and you don’t need ind and ded.

Because pseudocode-raw relies on Typst’s eval-feature, you will have to explicitly bring into scope any variable or function that you defined yourself or additionally loaded from a package. In the example above, that is the redbold function. Making it known to pseudocode-raw works using its scope keyword argument, which accepts a dictionary of variables where the keys are the names that you plan to use in the pseudocode and the values are the symbols these refer to in the “outside world”. It is probably best to have identical keys and values, as shown in the example.

The language of the raw block is irrelevant for this feature to work but, depending on how your editor is configured, using typ will give you proper syntax highlighting.

Algorithm as figure

#pseudocode and friends are great if you just want to show some lines of code. If you want to display a full algorithm with bells and whistles, you can use #algorithm together with one of the pseudocode* functions:

  caption: [The Euclidean algorithm],
    [*input:* integers $a$ and $b$],
    [*output:* greatest common divisor of $a$ and $b$],
    [*while* $a != b$ *do*], ind,
      [*if* $a > b$ *then*], ind,
        $a <- a - b$, ded,
      [*else*], ind,
        $b <- b - a$, ded,
      [*end*], ded,
    [*return* $a$]

resulting in:


#algorithm creates a figure with kind: "lovelace" so it gets its own counter and display. You can use optional arguments such as placement or caption, see figure in the Typst docs. Note that such figures are only displayed correctly when you used the setup function mentioned above!


Again, the content of your pseudocode is completely up to you, and that includes comments. However, Lovelace provides a sensible #comment function you can use:

  [A statement #comment[and a comment]],
  [Another statement #comment[and another comment]],



Lovelace provides a couple of customisation options.

First, the pseudocode, pseudocode-list, and pseudocode-raw functions accepts optional keyword arguments:

  • line-numbering: true or false, whether to display line numbers, default true
  • line-number-transform: a function that takes in the line number as an integer and returns an arbitrary value that will be displayed instead of the line number, default num => num (identity function)
  • indentation-guide-stroke: a stroke, defining how the indentation guides are displayed, default none (no lines)

For example, let’s use thin blue indentation guides and roman line numbering:

  line-number-transform: num => numbering("i", num),
  indentation-guide-stroke: .5pt + aqua,
  - *input:* integers $a$ and $b$
  - *output:* greatest common divisor of $a$ and $b$
  + *while* $a != b$ *do*
    + *if* $a > b$ *then*
      + $a <- a - b$
    + *else*
      + $b <- b - a$
    + *end*
  + *end*
  + *return* $a$

resulting in:


Also, there are some optional arguments to lovelace-setup:

  • line-number-style: a function that takes content and returns content, used to display the line numbers in the pseudocode, default text.with(size: .7em), note that this is different from the line-number-transform argument to #pseudocode as the latter has an effect on line numbers in references as well.
  • line-number-supplement: some content that is placed before the line number when referencing it, default "Line"
  • body-inset: the inset of body, default (bottom: 5pt)

If you want to avoid having to repeat all those configurations, here is what you can do. Suppose, we always want German supplements (Zeile and Algorithmus instead of Line and Algorithm) and thin indentation guides.

#show: setup-lovelace.with(line-number-supplement: "Zeile")
#let pseudocode = pseudocode.with(indentation-guide-stroke: .5pt)
#let algorithm = algorithm.with(supplement: "Algorithmus")

  caption: [Spurwechsel nach links auf der Autobahn],
    [Links blinken],
    [In den linken Außenspiegel schauen],
    [*wenn* niemand nähert sich auf der linken Spur, *dann*], ind,
      [Spur wechseln], ded,
    [Blinker aus],

Der Schritt in @line:blinken stellt offenbar für viele Verkehrsteilnehmer eine
Herausforderung dar.
