
This is a Typst package for speedy mathematical input, inspired by vim-latex. This project is named after my Vim plugin vimtex-lasaveur, which ports the operations in vim-latex to vimtex.

Usages in Typst

Either use the file released in “Releases” or import using the following command:

#import "@preview/lasaveur:0.1.3": *

This script generates a Typst library that defines shorthand commands for various mathematical symbols and functions. Here’s an overview of what it provides and how a user can use it:

  1. Mathematical Functions:
    • Usage: f<key>(argument)
    • Examples: fh(x) for hat, ft(x) for tilde, f2(x) for square root
  2. Font Styles:
    • Usage: f<key>(argument)
    • Examples: fb(x) for bold, fbb(x) for blackboard bold, fca(x) for calligraphic
  3. Greek Letters:
    • Usage: k<key>
    • Examples: ka for α (alpha), kb for β (beta), kG for Γ (capital Gamma)
  4. Common Mathematical Symbols:
    • Usage: g<key>
    • Examples: g8 for ∞ (infinity), gU for ∪ (union), gI for ∩ (intersection)
  5. LaTeX-compatible Symbols:
    • Usage: Direct LaTeX command names
    • Examples: partial for ∂, infty for ∞, cdot for ⋅
  6. Arrows:
    • Usage: ar.<key>
    • Examples: ar.l for ←, ar.r for →, ar.lr for ↔

Users can employ these shorthands in their Typst documents to quickly input mathematical symbols and functions. The exact prefix for each category (like f for functions or k for Greek letters) can be customized using command-line arguments when running the script.

For instance, in a Typst document, after importing the generated library, a user could write:

$fh(x) + ka + g8 + ar.r$

This would produce: x̂ + α + ∞ + →

The script provides a wide range of symbols covering most common mathematical notations, making it easier and faster to type complex mathematical expressions in Typst – especially for users migrating from vim-latex.

Accompanying Vim Syntax File

The syntax file provides more advanced and correct concealing for both Typst’s built-in math syntax and the lasaveur shorthands. Download the syntax file from the “Releases” section and place it in your ~/.vim/after/syntax/ directory. The syntax.vim file in the repo is supposed to be used by the generation script and it will not work if directly sourced in Vim.