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A Typst template mainly intended for shorter academic documents such as reports, assignments, course documents, and so on. Its name, “kunskap”, means knowledge in Swedish.

See this example PDF for a longer demonstration of how it looks.


You can use this template in the Typst web app by clicking “Start from template” on the dashboard and searching for kunskap.

Alternatively, you can use the CLI to kick this project off using the command

typst init @preview/kunskap

Typst will create a new directory with all the files needed to get you started.


This template exports the kunskap function with several arguments. You will want to set at least the following, describing the metadata of your document:

Argument Description
title Title of your document
author Author(s) of your document; can be any content, or an array of strings
date Date string to display below the author(s); defaults to a string of today’s date, but can take any content. Set to none if you don’t use it at all.
header Content that appears in the left-hand side of the header on every page; this is intended for e.g. the name of a course or some other contextual information for the document, but can of course also be left empty.

Additionally, you can configure some aspects of the template’s layout with the following arguments:

Argument Description Default
paper-size Paper size of the document "a4"
body-font Font for the body text "Noto Serif"
body-font-size Font size for the body text 10pt
headings-font Font for the headings ("Source Sans Pro", "Source Sans 3")
raw-font Font for raw (i.e. monospaced) text ("Hack", "Source Code Pro")[^1]
raw-font-size Font size for raw text 9pt
link-color Color for highlighting links rgb("#3282b8") Color sample
muted-color Color for muted text, such as page numbers and headers after the first page luma(160)
block-bg-color Color for the background of raw text luma(240)

The template will initialize your document with a sample call to the kunskap function. Alternatively, here’s a minimal example of how you could use this template in your document:

#import "@preview/kunskap:0.1.0": *

#show: kunskap.with(
    title: "Your report title",
    author: "Your name",
    date: datetime.today().display(),
    header: "Your course name",


Missing features

As of now, this template has not yet been particularly optimized for styling related to:

  • Bibliographies
  • Outlines (e.g. table of contents)
  • Tables


This template started out by emulating the layout of course documents in Marco Kuhlmann’s courses at Linköping University.[^2] On the technical side, this template took a lot of inspiration from the ilm template, even if the design decisions may be radically different.

[^1]: The Hack font is currently not available on the Typst web app, so the fallback is Source Code Pro. [^2]: If you work at Linköping University, you can set headings-font: "KorolevLiU" to get a LiU-branded version of this template.