This is a Typst port of the official Master of Logic thesis template of the Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation at the University of Amsterdam.
A preview generated from the main
branch of this repository is available online as a PDF.
To use this template, run
typst init @preview/illc-mol-thesis:0.1.0
from any directory to initialize a new project.
The following code assumes all names from this template were imported beforehand.
#import "@preview/illc-mol-thesis:0.1.0": *
An initialization function for show rules.
#show: mol-thesis
Renders the first page of the thesis.
title: "Title of the Thesis",
author: "John Q. Public",
birth-date: "April 1st, 1980",
birth-place: "Alice Springs, Australia",
defence-date: "August 28, 2005",
/* Only one supervisor? The singleton array ("Dr Jack Smith",) needs the
trailing comma. */
supervisors: ("Dr Jack Smith", "Prof Dr Jane Williams"),
committee: (
"Dr Jack Smith",
"Prof Dr Jane Williams",
"Dr Jill Jones",
"Dr Albert Heijn"),
degree: "MSc in Logic"
Renders an abstract for your thesis.
Your abstract here.
Introduces a new chapter. Replaces first level headings =
, so section titles within your chapter should be prefixed by ==
#mol-chapter("Your Chapter Title")
== Your Section Title
, theorem
, lemma
, corollary
, remark
, proof
Introduces the appropriate block.
We defined the language $cal(L)$ as follows:
$ phi.alt ::= top | p | phi.alt and phi.alt $
A counter keeping all the mathematical elements of this template in sync.
#import "@preview/great-theorems:0.1.1": *
#let axiom = mathblock(
blocktitle: "Axiom",
counter: mathcounter, // axioms follow the same numbering as definitions, etc.
The original MoL thesis template, along with the ILLC logo by the Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation, is released under CC0.