
A package providing simple image editing capabilities via a WASM plugin.

Available functionality includes converting images to grayscale, cropping and flipping the images. Furthermore, this package supports adding transparency and bluring (very slow) as well as handling additional raster image formats.

The package name is inspired by the blurry, gray images of Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster


Due to the way typst currently interprets given paths, you have to read the images yourself in the calling typst file. This raw imagedata can then be passed to the grayness-package functions, like grayscale-image. These functions also optionally accept all additional parameters of the original typst image function like width or height:

#import "@preview/grayness:0.3.0": image-grayscale

#let data = read("Art.webp", encoding: none)
#image-grayscale(data, width: 50%)

A detailed descriptions of all available functions is provided in the manual.

You can also use the built-in help functions provided by tidy:

#import "@preview/grayness:0.3.0": *

All functions also works with SVG images. To do so you must specify the format as "svg":

#let data = read("example.svg", encoding: none)
#image-grayscale(data, format: "svg")


Here are several functions applied to a WEBP image of Arturo Nieto Dorantes (CC-By-SA 4.0): Example image manipulations