
Create a variety of wonderful fractals and curves in Typst.


Dragon Curve Koch Snowflake
Sierpiński Triangle Hypotrochoid

Click on the example image to jump to the code.


  • Generate fractals using L-system.
  • The number of iterations, step size, fill and stroke styles, etc. of generated fractals could be customized.
  • Generate spirograph and Lissajous curves with various parameters.


Import the latest version of this package with:

#import "@preview/fractusist:0.2.0": *

Each function (see reference) generates a specific curve. The shape and size of it is configurable. And the fill and stroke style arguments are equivalent to those in the curve function. The returned graph is contained within the box element.

This package comes with some unit tests under the tests directory.



  • dragon-curve: Generate dragon curve (n: integer range [0, 16]).
#let dragon-curve(n, step-size: 10, stroke: black + 1pt) = {...}


  • hilbert-curve: Generate 2D Hilbert curve. (n: integer range [1, 8]).
#let hilbert-curve(n, step-size: 10, stroke: black + 1pt) = {...}
  • peano-curve: Generate 2D Peano curve (n: integer range [1, 5]).
#let peano-curve(n, step-size: 10, stroke: black + 1pt) = {...}


  • koch-curve: Generate Koch curve (n: integer range [0, 6]).
#let koch-curve(n, step-size: 10, fill: none, stroke: black + 1pt) = {...}
  • koch-snowflake: Generate Koch snowflake (n: integer range [0, 6]).
#let koch-snowflake(n, step-size: 10, fill: none, stroke: black + 1pt) = {...}


  • sierpinski-curve: Generate classic Sierpiński curve (n: integer range [0, 7]).
#let sierpinski-curve(n, step-size: 10, fill: none, stroke: black + 1pt) = {...}
  • sierpinski-square-curve: Generate Sierpiński square curve (n: integer range [0, 7]).
#let sierpinski-square-curve(n, step-size: 10, fill: none, stroke: black + 1pt) = {...}
  • sierpinski-arrowhead-curve: Generate Sierpiński arrowhead curve (n: integer range [0, 8]).
#let sierpinski-arrowhead-curve(n, step-size: 10, stroke: black + 1pt) = {...}
  • sierpinski-triangle: Generate 2D Sierpiński triangle (n: integer range [0, 6]).
#let sierpinski-triangle(n, step-size: 10, fill: none, stroke: black + 1pt) = {...}


  • hypotrochoid: Generate hypotrochoid (a, b, h: integer range [1, 100]).
#let hypotrochoid(a, b, h, size: 100, fill: none, fill-rule: "non-zero", stroke: black + 1pt) = {...}
  • epitrochoid: Generate epitrochoid (a, b, h: integer range [1, 100]).
#let epitrochoid(a, b, h, size: 100, fill: none, fill-rule: "non-zero", stroke: black + 1pt) = {...}


  • lissajous-curve: Generate Lissajous curve (a, b: integer range [1, 100], d: float range [0, 2]).
#let lissajous-curve(a, b, d, x-size: 100, y-size: 100, fill: none, fill-rule: "non-zero", stroke: black + 1pt) = {...}