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A Typst theme for a nice and simple looking letter that’s not completely black and white. Inspired by a Canva theme.


  • A neutral-warm beige background that feels cosier and softer to the eyes than pure white, while still looking kinda white-ish
  • Short content is vertically padded to look a bit more centered
  • Long content overflows gracefully on as many pages as necessary
Basic example Short text (vertically centered) Multi-page overflowing text
.rendered/demo_medium.pdf .rendered/demo_short.pdf .rendered/demo_long.pdf
  • If using Typst locally, install the HK Grotesk font
  • Insert the setup show statement
    #import "@preview/fireside:1.0.0": *
    #show: project.with(
      title: [Anakin \ Skywalker],
      from-details: [
        Appt. x, \
        Mos Espa, \
        Tatooine \
        anakin\@example.com \ +999 xxxx xxx
      to-details: [
        Sheev Palpatine \
        500 Republica, \
        Ambassadorial Sector, Senate District, \
        Galactic City, \ Coruscant
    Dear Emperor, ...
  • If your text overflows on multiple pages, you might want to add page numbering, as shown in .demo/demo_long.typ (line 3)
  background: rgb("f4f1eb"), # Override the background color
  title: "",                 # Set the top-left title. It looks best on two lines
  from-details: none,        # Letter sender (you) details
  to-details: none,          # Letter receiver details
  margin: 2.1cm,             # Page margin
  vertical-center-level: 2,  # When the content is small, it is vertically centered a bit, but still kept closer to the top. This controls how much. Setting to none will disable centering.