An auto affiliation function for Typst. This library provides a single function, get-affiliations
, which aims to do one thing and (hopefully) do one thing well: extract authors’ information from a given dictionary and output two contents:
- Authors’ names with superscripted affiliation indices and an email symbol if contact information is provided.
- A list of sorted affiliations.
Extracts and formats authors’ names and affiliations. The function is highly customizable:
- authors: array of strings or dictionaries
- An array containing authors’ information. Each element can be a string (author’s name) or a dictionary with detailed information.
- authors-join: string (default: ", ")
- The string used to join multiple authors’ names.
- authors-join-2: string (default: " and ")
- The string used to join two authors’ names.
- authors-func: function (default: default-authors-func)
- A function to style the authors’ block.
- authors-numbering: string (default: “1”)
- The numbering style for affiliation indices in authors.
- orcid-logo-size: length (default: 9.5pt)
- The size of the ORCID logo.
- email-symbol: string (default: “🖂”)
- The symbol used to denote email addresses.
- authors-order: array (default: (“name”, “orcid”, “email”, “affil-index”))
- The order of elements within each author box.
- name-style: function (default: x => x)
- A function to style the author’s name.
- orcid-style: function (default: x => link(x, orcid-logo))
- A function to style the ORCID link.
- email-style: function (default: x => link(x, email-symbol))
- A function to style the email link.
- affil-indices-style: function (default: x => super(x))
- A function to style the affiliation indices.
- authors-box-join: string (default: " ")
- The string used to join elements within each author box.
- affil-label-numbering: string (default: “1.”)
- The numbering style for affiliations.
- affil-label-style: function (default: x => super(x))
- A function to style the affiliation labels.
- affil-join: string (default: ", ")
- The string used to join multiple affiliations.
- affil-func: function (default: default-affil-func)
- A function to style the affiliations’ block.
- affil-style: function (default: x => x)
- A function to style each affiliation.
- affil-box-join: string (default: " ")
- The string used to join elements within each affiliation box.
- affil-order: tuple (default: (“number”, “affil”))
- The order of elements within each affiliation box.
- array of two blocks
- An array containing two blocks: the authors’ block and the affiliations’ block.
Default functions
/* Default author function */
#let default-authors-func(authors-text) = {
set align(center)
block(text(size: 12pt, authors-text))
/* Default affiliation function */
#let default-affil-func(affil-text) = {
set align(center)
set par(justify: false)
set block(width: 85%)
block(text(size: 10pt, affil-text))
To run the test, use the following command:
typst watch ./tests/tests.typ --root .