
A Typst exam package based on the MIT LaTeX exam package


  • Title block
  • Read questions from file/question bank
  • Grading table
  • Marking boxes
  • Question types
    • Standard answerline
    • Multiple choice (including true-false)
    • Writing box
    • Blank rectangular, polar, numberline graphs



#import "@preview/examit:0.1.1": *
#import "questions.typ": questions

#show: examit.with(
  questions: questions, // questions file, see example

  title: [examit],
  subtitle: "A Typst Exam Package",
  date: "2023-03-21",

  margin: (
    left: 18mm,
    top: 16mm,
    bottom: 25mm,
    right: 25mm,
  cols: 2,
  gutter: 18mm,
  lang: "en",
  font: "New Computer Modern",

  extrapicturebox: true, // "If you have time..." box at the end
  // dropallboxes: true, // points boxes next to answerlines instead of level with the question
  instructions: [Instructions before exam columns.],
  namebox: "left",
  pointsplacement: "right",
  answerlinelength: 4cm,
  defaultpoints: 1,


#import "@preview/examit:0.1.1": *

#let questions = (
  ( header: [Multiple Choice] ),
    question: [What attributes #underline("must") a *vector* have?],
    points: 2,
    choices: (
      [x- and y-coordinates],
    horizontal: false,
    sameline: false,
    question: [$bold(sin^(-1))$ returns an angle in which quadrants?],
    choices: ([I],[II],[III],[IV],),
    sameline: false,
    points: 2,
    question: [A *scalar* is a vector with a\ magnitude of *1*.],
    tf: true,
    points: 2,
    question: [
      Write this polar equation in rectangular form: $r = frac(5 ,cos theta + sin theta )$
    points: 4,
    bonus: true,
    answerbox: 3cm,
  ( pagebreak: true ),
  ( header: [Graphing]),
    question: [
      Simplify and graph the complex number\ $5(cos 15 degree + i sin 15 degree) dot 10(cos 5 degree + i sin 5 degree)$.
    points: 3,
    spacing: 2.5cm,
    graph: "rect",
    answerline: true,
    question: [$x^2(x^2+9)>6x^3$],
    points: 2,
    bonus: true,
    numberline: 2.5in,
  (subheader: [A child is pulling a wagon with a force of 15 lb at an angle of 35° to the ground.
  Gravity is pulling down on the wagon with a force of 12 lb.]),
    question: [
      What is the resulting force vector?
    points: 4,
    spacing: 3cm,
    label: "wagon"
    question: [
      This question references \#@wagon.
    points: 4,


To Do

  • [ ] Parts or sub-questions
  • [ ] Customize numbering for questions
  • [X] References for other questions
  • [ ] Customize marking box properties: size, positioning, style
  • [ ] Better multiple-choice and matching options: box/bubble style, layout arrangement (horizontal/vertical, alignment)
  • [ ] Question types: fill-in-the-blank
  • [ ] Grading table options: bonus points, positioning
  • [ ] Footer options
  • [ ] Margin adjustments based on points position
  • [ ] Size options for graph response
  • [ ] Customize first page or title block
  • [ ] Configure even/odd headers/footers
  • [ ] Show/hide answers
  • [ ] Page break vs column break?