Create project in app

Examify is a typst template to typeset simple question papers for examinations.


You can use this template in the Typst web app by clicking “Start from template” on the dashboard and searching for examify.

Alternatively, you can use the CLI to kick this project off using the command:

typst init @preview/examify:0.1.1


The example.typ file at the root of this repository is quite self-explanatory. Here is a sample code for reference:

#import "@preview/examify:0.1.0": *

#show: examify.with(
  paper-size: "a4",
  fonts: "New Computer Modern", // Change to your preferred font
  language: "EN",
  institute: "Institute Name", // Not Mandatory
  author: "Teacher Name",
  contact-details: "www.example.com", // Not Mandatory
  exam-name: "First Semester Examination", // Not Mandatory
  subject-label: "Subject",
  subject: "Set Theory",
  marks-label: "Full Marks",
  marks: 10,
  class-label: "Class",
  class: "XI",
  time-label: "Time",
  time: "30 Minutes",

// Write here