
Write Chinese pinyin easily.


Import the package:

#import "@preview/easy-pinyin:0.1.0": pinyin, zhuyin

With the pinyin function, you can use a2 to write an ɑ́, o3 to write an ǒ, v4 to represent ǜ, etc.

With zhuyin function,you can put pinyin above the text easily, with parameters:

  • positional parameters:
    • doc: content|string: main characters
    • ruby: content|string: zhuyin characters
  • named parameters:
    • scale: number = 0.7: font size scale of ruby, default 0.7
    • gutter: length = 0.3em: spacing between doc and ruby, default 0.3em
    • delimiter: string|none = none: if not none, use this character to split doc and ruby into parts
    • spacing: length|none = none: spacing between each parts

See example bellow.



#let per-char(f) = [#f(delimiter: "|")[汉|语|拼|音][ha4n|yu3|pi1n|yi1n]]
#let per-word(f) = [#f(delimiter: "|")[汉语|拼音][ha4nyu3|pi1nyi1n]]
#let all-in-one(f) = [#f[汉语拼音][ha4nyu3pi1nyi1n]]
#let example(f) = (per-char(f), per-word(f), all-in-one(f))

// argument of scale and spacing
#let arguments = ((0.5, none), (0.7, none), (0.7, 0.1em), (1.0, none), (1.0, 0.2em))

  columns: (auto, auto, auto, auto),
  align: (center + horizon, center, center, center),
  [arguments], [per char], [per word], [all in one],
  ..arguments.map(((scale, spacing)) => (
    text(size: 0.7em)[#scale,#repr(spacing)], 
    ..example(zhuyin.with(scale: scale, spacing: spacing))

result of above example


MIT, see License file.