Version 0.1.0

Implements a layer on top of table to allow the user to define a table by column rather than by row, to automatically handle headers and footers, to implement table footnotes, to handle nested column quirks for you, to handle rendering nested data structures.

Basically, if you are tabulating data where each row is an observation, and some features (columns) are to be grouped (a common case for scientific data) then this package might be worth checking out. Another use case is where you have multiple tables with identical layouts, and you wish to keep them all consistent with one another.



See the manual for in-depth usage, but for a quick reference, here is the ledger example (which is fully featured)

#import "@preview/dining-table:0.1.0"

#let data = (
    date: datetime.today(),
    particulars: lorem(05),
    ledger: [JRS123] + dining-table.note.make[Hello World],
    amount: (unit: $100$, decimal: $00$),
    total: (unit: $99$, decimal: $00$),

#import "@preview/typpuccino:0.1.0"
#let bg-fill-1 = typpuccino.latte.base
#let bg-fill-2 = typpuccino.latte.mantle

#let example = (
    key: "date",
    header: align(left)[Date],
    display: (it)=>it.display(auto),
    fill: bg-fill-1,
    align: start,
    gutter: 0.5em,
    key: "particulars",
    header: text(tracking: 5pt)[Particulars],
    width: 1fr,
    gutter: 0.5em,
    key: "ledger",
    header: [Ledger],
    fill: bg-fill-2,
    width: 2cm,
    gutter: 0.5em,
    header: align(center)[Amount],
    fill: bg-fill-1,
    gutter: 0.5em,
    hline: arguments(stroke: dining-table.lightrule),
    children: (
        key: "amount.unit", 
        header: align(left)[£], 
        width: 5em, 
        align: right,
        vline: arguments(stroke: dining-table.lightrule),
        gutter: 0em,
        key: "amount.decimal",
        header: align(right, text(number-type: "old-style")[.00]), 
        align: left
    header: align(center)[Total],
    gutter: 0.5em,
    hline: arguments(stroke: dining-table.lightrule),
    children: (
        key: "total.unit", 
        header: align(left)[£], 
        width: 5em, 
        align: right,
        vline: arguments(stroke: dining-table.lightrule),
        gutter: 0em,
        key: "total.decimal",
        header: align(right, text(number-type: "old-style")[.00]), 
        align: left

#set text(size: 11pt)
#set page(height: auto, margin: 1em)
#dining-table.make(columns: example, 
  data: data, 
  notes: dining-table.note.display-list