Create project in app

An example thesis can be viewed here: https://otto-aa.github.io/definitely-not-tuw-thesis/thesis.pdf


You can download the template with:

typst init @preview/definitely-not-tuw-thesis

Template overview

After setting up the template, you will have the following files:

  • thesis.typ: overall structure and styling, configuration for the cover pages and PDF metadata
  • content/front-matter.typ: acknowledgments and abstract
  • content/main.typ: all your chapters
  • content/appendix.typ: AI tools acknowledgment and other appendices
  • refs.bib: references

Then copy the values you get from compiling the official template, and paste them in thesis.typ. Remove all unused fields and, finally, compare if it is close enough to the official template. If not, please open an issue or PR to fix it.


If you want to adapt the styling, you can remove the show: ... commands in the thesis.typ and replace them with your own, or simply extend them with your own show: ... commands.


I guess there are many ways to improve this template, feel free to do so and submit issues and PRs! More information at CONTRIBUTING.md


The code is licensed under MIT-0. The ‘TU Wien Informatics’ logo and signet are copyright of the TU Wien.


This work is based on the official template maintained by Thomas Auzinger. The repository structure is based on typst-package-template.