A thin wrapper around the decasify library providing Typst functions for locale and style guide aware text casing functions. Provides functionns for title-case (and other cases) that adapt to the language of the current document context. Includes support for Turkish and multiple style guides.
#import "@preview/decasify:0.9.0": *
#set page(width: auto, height: auto, margin: 1cm)
#set text(lang: "en")
#show heading: it => [
= all headings will be titlecase
#sentencecase("a manually sentence-cased phrase")
Now switch languages and show Turkish titlecasing:
#set text(lang: "tr")
#titlecase("ilk ışıltı")
#import "@preview/decasify:0.9.0": *
#set page(width: auto, height: auto, margin: 1cm)
#let examples = (
(str: "first impulse", lang: "en"),
(str: "FIRST IMPULSE", lang: "en"),
(str: "ilk ışıltı", lang: "tr"),
(str: "İLK IŞILTI", lang: "tr"),
= Titlecase
#for s in examples [
#set text(lang: s.lang)
[#context(text.lang)] #s.str → #titlecase(s.str) \
= Lowercase
#for s in examples [
#set text(lang: s.lang)
[#context(text.lang)] #s.str → #lowercase(s.str) \
= Uppercase
#for s in examples [
#set text(lang: s.lang)
[#context(text.lang)] #s.str → #uppercase(s.str) \
= Sentencecase
#for s in examples [
#set text(lang: s.lang)
[#context(text.lang)] #s.str → #sentencecase(s.str) \