Create simple TODO comments, which are displayed at the sides of the page.
I suggest to take a look at the drafting package, which is a more feature-complete annotation library, but also suitable for simple TODO comments.
Currently, there is no prevention of TODOs being rendered on top of each other. See here for more information.
The package provides a todo(message, position: auto | left | right)
method. Call it anywhere you need a todo message.
#import "@preview/dashy-todo:0.0.2": todo
// It automatically goes to the closer side (left or right)
A todo on the left #todo[On the left].
// You can specify a side if you want to
#todo(position: right)[Also right]
// You can add arbitrary content
#todo[We need to fix the $lim_(x -> oo)$ equation. See #link("")[]]
// And you can create an outline for the TODOs
#outline(title: "TODOs", target: figure.where(kind: "todo"))
You can modify the text by wrapping it, e.g.:
#let small-todo = (..args) => text(size: 0.6em)[#todo(..args)]
#small-todo[This will be in fine print]