Create project in app

This package is a template based on the colors of the Cyberschool of Rennes, France. It is based on Latex templates I wanted to use in Typst.

Feel free to make suggestions on the dedicated repo.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on the typst web app.

#import "@preview/cyberschool-errorteaplate:0.1.3": *

#show: conf.with(
  title: "Title",
  pre-title: "Pre-title",
  authors: (
      name: "name",
      affiliation: "affiliation",
      email: "email",
  logos: (
    image.with("<image path>"),
    image.with("<image path>"),
  abstract: "abstract text",
  outline-title: "Contents",


To help with development, fork this repository, make your changes and then create a pull request. For additional information about the guidelines and stuff, refer to the README of this repository.

Additional Documentation and Acknowledgments

Thanks to lucasrqt for the original Latex template on which this one is based on.