
A crossword-like game written in Typst. You should fill in letters to satisfy regular expression constraints.

It takes inspiration from a web image, which derives our standard example.


More examples and source code: https://github.com/QuadnucYard/crossregex-typ


Constraint hints

In front of each regex constraint text, we have a circle in red, yellow or green. It has the following meaning:

  • $\color{red}\text{Red}$: This constraint is not satisfied.
  • $\color{yellow}\text{Yellow}$: This constraint is satisfied, but unfilled cells exist.
  • $\color{green}\text{Green}$: This constraint is satisfied.

We use a wasm plugin to check matching.

Filled letters

In the hex grids, upper-case letters are colored $\color{blue}\text{blue}$, while others are colored $\color{purple}\text{purple}$. So you can use lower-case letters or symbols as hints.


If you provide answers, it will show the number of filled and total cells at bottom left.

Basic Usage

#import "@preview/crossregex:0.1.0"

  constraints: (
    `A.*`, `B.*`, `C.*`, `D.*`, `E.*`,
    `F.*`, `G.*`, `H.*`, `I.*`, `J.*`,
    `K.*`, `L.*`, `M.*`, `N.*`, `O.*`,
  answer: (

Maybe triangle and square grids can be added later.


See the doc comments above the crossregex function in crossregex.typ.

You can choose to turn off some views.