Codetastic is a Typst package for drawing barcodes and 2d codes.
For Typst 0.6.0 or later, import the package from the Typst preview repository:
#import "@preview/codetastic:0.2.2"
After importing the package call any of the code generation functions:
#import "@preview/codetastic:0.2.2": ean13, qrcode
The output should look like this:
Further documentation
See manual.pdf
for a full manual of the package.
The documentation is created using Mantys, a Typst template for creating package documentation.
To compile the manual, Mantys needs to be available as a local package. Refer to Mantys’ manual for instructions on how to do so.
Version 0.2.2
- qrcodes:
- Fixed issue with alignment pattern placement.
- Removed minimal borders around modules for sharper edges with small module sizes.
Version 0.2.1
- qrcodes:
- Fixed wrong sizing for
key.- The code didn’t take the quiet zone into account.
- Moved debug information into quiet zone.
- Fixed wrong sizing for
Version 0.2.0
- Removed CeTZ as a dependecy.
- Now using native Typst drawing functions.
- Hugh speed improvements for large QR-Codes.
- Fixed issue with checksum calculation for gtin/ean codes.
Version 0.1.0
- Initial release submitted to typst/packages.