
Chic-header (chic-hdr) is a Typst package for creating elegant headers and footers


To use this library through the Typst package manager (for Typst 0.6.0 or greater), write #import "@preview/chic-hdr:0.5.0": * at the beginning of your Typst file. Once imported, you can start using the package by writing the instruction #show: chic.with() and giving any of the chic functions inside the parenthesis ().

Important: If you are using a custom template that also needs the #show instruction to be applied, prefer to use #show: chic() after the template’s #show.

For example, the code below…

#import "@preview/chic-hdr:0.5.0": *

#set page(paper: "a7")

#show: chic.with(
    left-side: strong(
        link("mailto:admin@chic.hdr", "admin@chic.hdr")
    right-side: chic-page-number()
    left-side: emph(chic-heading-name(fill: true)),
    right-side: smallcaps("Example")

= Introduction

== Details

…will look like this:

Usage example


Note: For a detailed explanation of the functions and parameters, see Chic-header’s Manual.pdf

While using #show: chic.with(), you can give the following parameters inside the parenthesis:

  • width: Indicates the width of headers and footers in all the document (default is 100%).
  • skip: Which pages must be skipped for setting its header and footer. Other properties changed with chic-height() or chic-offset() are preserved. Giving a negative index causes a skip of the last pages using last page as index -1(default is ()).
  • even: Header and footer for even pages. Here, only chic-header(), chic-footer() and chic-separator() functions will take effect. Other functions must be given as an argument of chic().
  • odd: Sets the header and footer for odd pages. Here, only chic-header(), chic-footer() and chic-separator() functions will take effect. Other functions must be given as an argument of chic().
  • ..functions(): These are a variable number of arguments that corresponds to Chic-header’s style functions.


  1. chic-header() - Sets the header content.
    • v-center: Whether to vertically align the header content, or not (default is false).
    • side-width: Custom width for the sides. It can be an 3-element-array, length or relative length (default is none and widths are set to 1fr if a side is present).
    • left-side: Content displayed in the left side of the header (default is none).
    • center-side: Content displayed in the center of the header (default is none).
    • right-side: Content displayed in the right side of the header (default is none).
  2. chic-footer() - Sets the footer content.
    • v-center: Whether to vertically align the header content, or not (default is false).
    • side-width: Custom width for the sides. It can be an 3-element-array, length or relative length (default is none and widths are set to 1fr if a side is present).
    • left-side: Content displayed in the left side of the footer (default is none).
    • center-side: Content displayed in the center of the footer (default is none).
    • right-side: Content displayed in the right side of the footer (default is none).
  3. chic-separator() - Sets the separator for either the header, the footer or both.
    • on: Where to apply the separator. It can be "header", "footer" or "both" (default is "both").
    • outset: Space around the separator beyond the page margins (default is 0pt).
    • gutter: How much spacing insert around the separator (default is 0.65em).
    • (unnamed): A length for a line(), a stroke for a line(), or a custom content element.
  4. chic-styled-separator() - Returns a pre-made custom separator for using it in chic-separator()
    • color: Separator’s color (default is black).
    • (unnamed): A string indicating the separator’s style. It can be "double-line", "center-dot", "bold-center", or "flower-end".
  5. chic-height() - Sets the height of either the header, the footer or both.
    • on: Where to change the height. It can be "header", "footer" or "both" (default is "both").
    • (unnamed): A relative length (the new height value).
  6. chic-offset() - Sets the offset of either the header, the footer or both (relative to the page content).
    • on: Where to change the offset It can be "header", "footer" or "both" (default is "both).
    • (unnamed): A relative length (the new offset value).
  7. chic-page-number() - Returns the current page number. Useful for header and footer sides. It doesn’t take any parameters.
  8. chic-heading-name() - Returns the next heading name in the dir direction. The heading must have a lower or equal level than level. If there’re no more headings in that direction, and fill is true, then headings are sought in the other direction.
    • dir: Direction for searching the next heading: "next" (from the current page, get the next heading) or "prev" (from the current page, get the previous heading). Default is "next".
    • fill: If there’s no more headings in the dir direction, indicates whether to try to get a heading in the opposite direction (default is false).
    • level: Up to what level of headings should this function search (default is 2).


Example 1

Header with chic-heading-name() at left, and chic-page-number() at right. There’s a chic-separator() of 1pt only for the header.

Example 2

Footer with chic-page-number() at right, and a custom chic-separator() showing “end of page (No. page)” between 9 ~ symbols at each side.


Version 0.1.0

  • Initial release
  • Implemented chic-header(), chic-footer(), chic-separator(), chic-height(), chic-offset(), chic-page-number(), and chic-heading-name() functions

Version 0.2.0

Thanks to Slashformotion (https://github.com/slashformotion) for noticing this version bugs, and suggesting a vertical alignment for headers.

  • Fix alignment error in chic-header() and chic-footer()
  • Add v-center option for chic-header() and chic-footer()
  • Add outset option for chic-separator()
  • Add chic-styled-separator() function

Version 0.3.0

  • Add side-width option for chic-header() and chic-footer()

Version 0.4.0

Thanks to David (https://github.com/davidleejy) for being interested in the package and giving feedback and ideas for new parameters

  • Update type() conditionals to met Typst 0.8.0 standards
  • Add dir, fill, and levelparameters to chic-heading-name()
  • Allow negative indexes for skipping final pages while using skip
  • Include some panic alerts for types mismatch
  • Upload manual code in the package repository

Version 0.5.0

Thanks to PgBiel (https://github.com/PgBiel) for contributing to this version.

  • Update base code to Typst 0.12.0 standards.