
CeTZ-Plot is a library that adds plots and charts to CeTZ, a library for drawing with Typst.

CeTZ-Plot requires CeTZ version ≥ 0.3.1!


Plot Pie Chart Clustered Barchart

Click on the example image to jump to the code.


For information, see the manual (stable).

To use this package, simply add the following code to your document:

#import "@preview/cetz:0.3.1"
#import "@preview/cetz-plot:0.1.0": plot, chart

  // Your plot/chart code goes here


To install the CeTZ-Plot package under your local typst package dir you can use the install script from the repository.


This project uses just, a handy command runner.

You can run all commands without having just installed, just have a look into the justfile. To install just on your system, use your systems package manager. On Windows, Cargo (cargo install just), Chocolatey (choco install just) and some other sources can be used. You need to run it from a sh compatible shell on Windows (e.g git-bash).


This package comes with some unit tests under the tests directory. To run all tests you can run the just test target. You need to have typst-test in your PATH: cargo install typst-test --git https://github.com/tingerrr/typst-test.