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A Typst template for SZU course reports.


Example is at template/main.typ. TLDR:

#import "lib.typ": template

#show: template.with(
  course-title: [养鸡学习],
  experiment-title: [养鸡],
  faculty: [养鸡学院],
  major: [智能养鸡],
  instructor: [鸡老师],
  reporter: [],
  student-id: [4144010590],
  class: [养鸡99班],
  experiment-date: datetime(year: 1983, month: 9, day: 27),
  features: (
    "Bibliography": "template/refs.bib",
// Start here


  1. Bibliography: Bibliography file path.
  2. FontFamily: Custom font family. Default: ("Noto Serif", "Noto Serif CJK SC")
  3. CitationStyle: Citation Style supported by Typst. Default: gb-7714-2015-numeric
  • Only work if have Bibliography specified.
  1. CourseID: Add a Course ID box on top-right of the cover. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED.


The template will traverse body content, and split it into groups according to Heading-1 layout. Each group content will be wrapped with table.cell. So all content will be wrapped in container, you can’t use pagebreak() in your body content.


This is not a serious work and may have some rough edges. And reports from different faculties isn’t entirely uniform. Be careful when using it.