
A simple way to create network protocol headers, memory maps, register definitions and more in typst.

⚠️ Warning. As this package is still in an early stage, things might break with the next version.

ℹ️ If you find a bug or a feature which is missing, please open an issue and/or send an PR.


random colored bytefield example

#import "@preview/bytefield:0.0.7": *

// Config the header
// adds every multiple of 8 to the header.
0, [start], // number with label
// number without label
12, [#text(14pt, fill: red, "test")],
23, [end_test],
24, [start_break],
36, [Fix], // will not be shown
angle: -50deg, // angle (default: -60deg)
text-size: 8pt, // length (default: global header_font_size or 9pt)
// Add data fields (bit, bits, byte, bytes) and notes
// A note always aligns on the same row as the start of the next data field.
note(left)[#text(16pt, fill: blue, "Testing")],
bytes(3,fill: red.lighten(30%))[Test],
note(right)[#set text(9pt); #sym.arrow.l This field \ breaks into 2 rows.],
note(left)[#set text(9pt); and continues \ here #sym.arrow],
bits(24,fill: green.lighten(30%))[Fill],
group(right,3)[spanning 3 rows],
bytes(12)[#set text(20pt); *Multi* Row],
note(left, bracket: true)[Flags],
flag(fill: orange.lighten(60%))[#text(8pt)[ACK]],
bits(25, fill: purple.lighten(60%))[Padding],
// padding(fill: purple.lighten(40%))[Padding],
bytes(8, fill: yellow.lighten(60%))[Multi break],
note(right)[#emoji.checkmark Finish],


To use this library through the Typst package manager import bytefield with #import "@preview/bytefield:0.0.7": * at the top of your file.

The package contains some of the most common network protocol headers which are available under: common.ipv4, common.ipv6, common.icmp, common.icmpv6, common.dns, common.tcp, common.udp.


Here is a unsorted list of features which is possible right now.

  • Adding fields with bit, bits, byte or bytes function.
    • Fields can be colored
    • Multirow and breaking fields are supported.
  • Adding notes to the left or right with note or group function.
  • Config the header with the bitheader function. !Only one header per bytefield is processed currently.
    • Show numbers
    • Show numbers and labels
    • Show only labels
  • Change the bit order in the header with msb:left or msb:right (default)

See example.typ for more information.