
Create beautiful booklets with ease.

The current version of this library (0.2.0) contains a single function to take in an array of content blocks and order them into a ready to print booklet, bulletin, etc. No need to fight with printer settings or document converters.

Example Output

Here is an example of the output generated by the sig function (short for a book’s signature) with default parameters and some sample content:


Here is an example with some customization applied:


sig Function

The sig function is used to create a signature (booklet) layout from provided content. It takes various parameters to automatically configure the layout.


  • signature_paper: The paper size for the booklet. Currently supports "us-letter" and "us-legal".
  • page_margin_top: The top margin for each page in the booklet.
  • page_margin_bottom: The bottom margin for each page in the booklet.
  • page_margin_binding: The binding margin for each page in the booklet (space between pages).
  • page_margin_edge: The edge margin for each page in the booklet.
  • page_border: Takes a color space value to draw a border around each page. If set to none no border will be drawn.
  • draft: A boolean value indicating whether to output an unordered draft or final layout.
  • p-num-layout: A configuration for page numbering styles, allowing multiple layouts that apply to specified page ranges. Each layout can be provided as a dictonary specifying the following options:
    • p-num-start: Starting page number for this layout
    • p-num-alt-start: Alternative starting page number (e.g., for chapters)
    • p-num-pattern: Pattern for page numbering (e.g., "1", "i", "a", "A")
    • p-num-placment: Placement of page numbers (top or bottom)
    • p-num-align-horizontal: Horizontal alignment of page numbers (left, center, or right)
    • p-num-align-vertical: Vertical alignment of page numbers (top, horizon, or bottom)
    • p-num-pad-left: Extra padding added to the left of the page number
    • p-num-pad-horizontal: Horizontal padding for page numbers
    • p-num-size: Size of page numbers
    • p-num-border: The border color for the page numbers. If set to none no border will be drawn.
  • pad_content: The padding around the page content.
  • contents: The content to be laid out in the booklet. This should be an array of blocks.


To use the sig function, simply call it with the desired parameters and provide the content to be laid out in the booklet:

  signature_paper: "us-letter",
  contents: [
    ["Page 1 content"],
    ["Page 2 content"],
    ["Page 3 content"],
    ["Page 4 content"],

This will create a signature layout with the provided content, using the default values for the other parameters.

You can customize the layout by passing different values for the various parameters. For example:

  signature_paper: "us-legal",
  page_margin_top: 0.5in,
  page_margin_bottom: 0.5in,
  page_margin_binding: 0.5in,
  page_margin_edge: 0.5in,
  page_border: none,
  draft: true,
  p-num-layout: (
      p-num-start: 1,
      p-num-alt-start: none,
      p-num-pattern: "~ 1 ~", 
      p-num-placment: bottom,
      p-num-align-horizontal: right,
      p-num-align-vertical: horizon,
      p-num-pad-left: -5pt,
      p-num-pad-horizontal: 0pt,
      p-num-size: 16pt,
      p-num-border: rgb("#ff4136"),
  pad_content: 10pt,
  contents: (
    ["Page 1 content"],
    ["Page 2 content"],
    ["Page 3 content"],
    ["Page 4 content"],

This will create an unordered draft signature layout with US Legal paper size, larger margins, no page borders, page numbers at the bottom right corner with a red border, and more padding around the content.


  • The sig function is currently hardcoded to only handle two-page single-fold signatures. Other more complicated signatures may be supported in the future.
  • Paper size is also currently hardcoded to only handle US Letter and US Legal.
  • The booklet function is a placeholder for automatically break a single content block into pages dynamically. It is not implemented yet but will be added in coming versions.


I would love to see this package eventually turn into a community effort. So any interest in collaboration is very welcome! You can find the github repository for this library here: Bookletic Repo. Feel free to file an issue, pull request, or start a discussion.



  • Handle odd number of pages by inserting a blank back cover
  • Implements page number layouts to allow defining different page numbers for different page ranges.
  • Add various other page number options


Initial Commit