
An easy way to render variation table on typst, built on fletcher
The documention

#import "@preview/vartable:0.1.0": tabvar

Trigonometric functions

Turn this :

#import "@preview/vartable:0.1.0": tabvar

  init: (
    variable: $x$,
    label: (
      ([sign of cos], "Sign"),
      ([variation of cos], "Variation"),
      ([sign of sin], "Sign"),
      ([variation of sin], "Variation"),
  interval: ($0$, $ pi / 2 $, $ pi $, $ (2pi) / 3 $, $ 2 pi $),
  content: (
    ($-$, (), $+$, ()),
      (top, $1$),
      (bottom, $-1$),
      (top, $1$),
    ($+$, $-$, (), $+$),
      (center, $0$),
      (top, $1$),
      (bottom, $-1$),
      (top, $1$),

Into this

trigonometric function

hyperbolic function $f(x) = 1/x $

#import "@preview/vartable:0.1.0": tabvar

    init: (
        variable: $x$,
    label: (
        ([sign of $f$], "Sign"),
      ([variation of $f$], "Variation"),
  interval: ($ -oo $, $ 0 $, $ +oo $),
  content: (
      ($+$, ("||", $+$)),
        (center, $0$),
      (bottom, top, "||", $-oo$, $+oo$),
      (center, $0$),

hyperbolic function

  • if you put too wide an element for the last value of a variation table, this can create a space between the edge of the table and the lines separating the lines of the table